The Mysteries of Udolpho

Walking Home Late At Night
In Which We Get To The Point
Emily Brontė 1818 - 1848
Wuthering Heights
Ghosts and Marvels
Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823),
The Mysteries of Udolpho
The Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens
To Be Read At Dusk

His power did not appear so terrible to her imagination as it was wont to do: a sacred pride was in her heart, that taught it to swell against the pressure of injustice’
-The Mysteries of Udolpho

The Mysteries of Udolpho

If beautiful, orphaned Emily St Aubert is to resist the predatory demands of her new guardian, the inscrutable Signor Montoni, then she must quell the superstitious imaginings that pervade her mind. Within the sombre walls of Montoni’s medieval castle the boundaries of real and imagined terrors are blurred as Emily is drawn into a Gothic web of mystery and intrigue which threaten her not only with the loss of inheritance but also identity.
With its exotic historical setting, subtle psychology, teasing suspense and sublimely drawn landscapes,
The Mysteries of Udolpho became an instant best-seller and the prototype of Gothic romance.

a complete e-text of this
classic gothic

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