THE Christmas ghost story!
an excerpt from Master Humphrey's Clock.
"Yes! -- a madman's!"
chapter 6 of
The Pickwick Papers
a collection of
horrific vignettes
chapter 15 of
The Uncommercial Traveller
an excerpt from Chapter 6
taken on a life of its own
as a separate ghost story.
a goblin story of some bells
that rang an old year out
and a new year in
or The Hanged Man's Bride.
chapter 4 of
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
turns out to be haunted
by ..............
another Christmas ghost story
Dickens' classic
ghost story
the proto-type short story
for A Christmas Carol
aka To Be Taken
with a Grain of Salt
now this is a creepy one.
compare with Martin's Close
by M.R. James
![Ignorance and Want. [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/ignorance_and_want.jpg.w180h237.jpg)